Chateau Nebílovy

Most Baroque historic sights in the Pilsen region are monasteries or other church-related buildings. However, it is possible to find one relatively isolated Baroque chateau not far from Pilsen in the village of Nebílovy. A visit to Chateau Nebílovy is most certainly worth your time, especially given the fact that this building was more or less brought back from its own ashes.

Opening hours

May – September
Tuesday – Sunday

April and October
Saturdays and Sundays

Specific opening hours

Admission fee

Chateau tour
Adults CZK 160
Students and seniors CZK 130
Children CZK 50
Free admission for children ages 6 and younger

Public transport stop

No public transportation connections. Nebílovy is located approx. 16 km from Pilsen.

Zámek Nebílovy
332 04 Nezvěstice

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Tour of the Chateau

The architect Jakub Auguston completed his work on the Baroque-style construction of the chateau, which is made up of two opposite palace buildings. Chateau Nebílovy is often referred to as the ‘floral castle’, as its interior was decorated with Romantique paintings of flowers by Antonín Tuvora toward the end of the 19th century. The floral motive was also used to adorn most of the rooms’ period furniture, which may be seen while touring the chateau. While visiting the building, you not only will learn of its history and original owners, but also of its complicated renovation process. Your visit will come to its symbolical culmination when you discover the newly reconstructed dance hall with its one-of-a-kind floral painting. Given a little imagination, you will begin to feel as if you’ve happened upon a tropical jungle with an array of arching trees, exotic birds and colourful butterflies.

Decadence and renewal

This once luxurious chateau fell into decline during the second half of the 19th century. Every piece of valuable furniture was taken away and the chateau was used for agricultural purposes. During the years of communism the chateau was used as apartment space and storage by the United Agricultural Cooperative. The reconstruction of both chateau buildings didn’t begin until the late 1960s. The leading chateau building was finally opened to the public toward the end of the 90s.

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