Enjoy Pilsen like a local

Tips for cycling trips around Pilsen

We have prepared a list of laid-back cycling trips for those who enjoy going for a ride while on holiday. These tips are perfect for recreational cyclists as well as families with children. Each overview will include a map with the path marked and a number of tips of where you can stop for lunch, find a drink to quench your thirst, or discover something interesting along the way.

Brewery Coopers

Without a doubt the traditional profession of cooperage has a home in the Pilsner Urquell Brewery. This well-known brewery is the only one in the world who maintains this cultural occupation by continuing to employ coopers to this day. The skills they possess in their trade is quite unique. For this very reason, cooperage was added to the National List of Cultural Heritage in 2018. This is the first step to completing the dream goal of adding cooperage to the UNESCO World Heritage List, therefore maintaining this brewer’s tradition for further generations to come.

How to Be Eco-friendly in Pilsen

Without a doubt one of the hot topics of today is how we can sustain and maintain a healthy relationship with the environment. All of us are capable of travelling with respect toward nature and local cultures, it’s actually quite easy to do. Check out our tips of where to go for local, bio food, how to find ecologically-minded shopping areas that offer package-free products and where you can try the best fair-trade coffee. Take a trip to a slightly more ecologically minimalistic lifestyle and experience a greener side of the world. Pilsen definitely has something to offer in this department!

Five reasons to try hotel brunch, even though you’re not staying at the hotel

Eating at a hotel, even though you’re not actually staying the night there, may be considered a little unusual. Nevertheless, the experience is amazing. You can, for example, experiment with hotel brunch. Although, the meal might cost you more than your typical breakfast, anyone who’s ever tried it will tell you it’s more than worth it. And why’s that, you ask?

Beer Recipes and How To Eat Like a Pilsen Local

If you’re in Pilsen and would like to try some typical dish of the city, every Pilsen local will recommend the beer. Yet, the city’s Crimean sauerkraut is legendary. We also have several meals that sound like they might be local specialties, yet, in reality, they’re quite common food options. For instance, we have “vošouch” (potato pancakes) and “hluchec” (potato rolls). In addition, we have quite a few beer recipes for those looking to have a Pilsner Urquell with every meal.

A Small Guide to Draft Beer

Beer isn’t tapped. It’s drawn! “The brewmaster brews the beer, but the innkeeper makes it.” This wise, old saying indicates just how important it is in acquiring the final taste to draw the beer correctly. There are many styles of drawing beer and a talented barman only needs one evening to show you four various flavours, all drawn with the exact same type of beer.